Morning Spiders and Night Spiders

Nov 6, 2016 14:04
In Japan, there is a superstition that is related to spiders like following:

"Let morning spiders get away even if they are your foes, kill night spiders even if they have children."

I was also told something like this superstition when I was child, but I'm not sure the reason.

I found a theory that morning spiders represent visitors and night spiders represent thieves on the Internet, but there is no scientific basis.

In general, house spiders are beneficial insects that eat injurious insects like flies or cockroaches, so I basically don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.





No. 1 臭豆腐's correction
  • Morning Spiders and Night Spiders
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, there is a superstition that is related to spiders like following:
  • In Japan, there is a superstition that is related to spiders like as followings:
  • "Let morning spiders get away even if they are your foes, kill night spiders even if they have children."
  • "Let morning spiders get away even if they are your foes, but kill night spiders even if they have children."
  • I was also told something like this superstition when I was child, but I'm not sure the reason.
  • I was also told something like this superstition when I was a child, but I'm not sure the reason.
  • I found a theory that morning spiders represent visitors and night spiders represent thieves on the Internet, but there is no scientific basis.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In general, house spiders are beneficial insects that eat injurious insects like flies or cockroaches, so I basically don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.
  • In general, house spiders are beneficial in bugsects that eat injurious insects like flies or cockroaches, so I basically don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.
     Spiders are arachnids, not insects, but you can call them "bugs."
Well done. I also prefer not to kill spiders, but sometimes I do carry them outside.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
If the spider is big, I will also carry it outside, haha.
No. 2 's correction
  • Morning Spiders and Night Spiders
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, there is a superstition that is related to spiders like following:
  • In Japan, there is a superstition that is related to spiders that goes like this:
  • "Let morning spiders get away even if they are your foes, kill night spiders even if they have children."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I found a theory that morning spiders represent visitors and night spiders represent thieves on the Internet, but there is no scientific basis.
  • I found a theory on the internet that morning spiders represent visitors, and night spiders represent thieves on the Internet, but there is no scientific basis for that theory.
  • In general, house spiders are beneficial insects that eat injurious insects like flies or cockroaches, so I basically don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.
  • In general, house spiders are beneficial insects that eat annoying insects like flies or cockroaches, so I usually don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.
This is such an interesting superstition! Maybe the reason is because, if you find a spider during the day, you don't have to worry about being scared because you can see it. But if you find a spider when it's dark, you can't see where it is, and that is so scary you have to kill it?!


Maybe I just think that because I'm scared of spiders. :)

  • In general, house spiders are beneficial insects that eat annoying insects like flies or cockroaches, so I usually don't kill spiders even when I find them at night.
Ah, I'm sorry. I just read the Japanese version of your post and I changed a word I should not have changed. Please ignore the word "usually" in my correction.

My word "usually" implies that you sometimes kill them but sometimes don't. But you want to say you never kill them, right?

If so, then "... so I don't kill spiders even when I find them at night." is fine. :)
Haha, indeed spiders in dark are scary.
Actually, some people insist that spider species that you can find are not the same at morning and at night, but I'm not sure whether it's correct or not.

> My word "usually" implies that you sometimes kill them but sometimes don't. But you want to say you never kill them, right?

Yes, I don't kill spiders. Thank you for your additional kind explanations (^^)